Sembra che tu non abbia ancora avviato la tua FTMO Challenge.
Questo contenuto è l'opinione esclusiva dei trader di In ogni caso, l'Analisi del Conto non costituisce una specifica raccomandazione di investimento, una raccomandazione commerciale, un'analisi delle opportunità di investimento o una raccomandazione generale simile sulla negoziazione di strumenti di investimento. Le analisi sottostanti sono disponibili solamente in Inglese.
Analisi del conto 1300050974

During the FTMO Challenge trading period, you've traded 14 trading days and so the objective for a minimum of 10 trading days was met. In total, you opened 53 positions, and on average, you traded 3.8 positions a day.

Your success rate was 58.49%. This win rate was accompanied by a positive RRR (Reward to risk ratio) with the value 1.53. It is important to mention that your trading results have a positive RRR, which in most cases is a sign of a successful and disciplined trader. The average profitable trade was $607.20 and the average losing trade was -$397.77. The ratio between the maximum reached profit (Max. profit) $2,553.60 and maximum loss (Max. loss) -$1,044.79 is 2.44, which signals a positive ratio. The total profit for the evaluation period reached $10,470.03.

Informazioni basilari
Login 1300050974
Dimensione del conto $100,000
Inizio 17. 5. 2021
Fine 15. 6. 2021
Grafico del Saldo
Statistiche generali
Risultato $10,470.03
Win rate 58.49%
Profitto medio $607.20
Perdita media -$397.77
RRR 1.53
Profitto massimo $2,553.60
Perdita Massima -$1,044.79
Profitto medio / Perdita media
Comparazione Long / Short

During the evaluation period, you have opened 23 long trades and 30 short trades. The average profit is higher in short positions and the average RRR is higher in long positions. Short trades have scored a higher success rate. The total long trades result is $4,199.32 and $6,270.71 with short trades.

Comparazione Long / Short
Long Short
Num. di trade 23 30
Risultato $4,199.32 $6,270.71
Win rate 56.52% 60.00%
Profitto medio $557.37 $643.18
RRR 1.65 1.45
Long / Short
Saldo in Long
Saldo in Short
Risultati per giorno

The FTMO Challenge period is not long, but it can still show some tendencies when the system is performing better and when worse. The column Results by Close shows trades depending on when they were closed. The column Results by Open shows trades depending on when they were opened.

Risultati per giorno
Giorno Chiudi Apri
Lunedi -$84.13 $1,710.14
Martedì -$161.44 $2,134.07
Mercoledì $6,493.93 $2,458.75
Giovedì $3,904.03 $4,124.43
Venerdì $263.04 $42.64
Domenica $54.60 $0.00
Risultati per chiusura
Risultati per apertura
Risultati per strumenti

In the evaluation period, you traded 15 instruments. The best result was seen on the EURUSD instrument with the result $4,511.86. Most of the trades were done on the instrument with a number of 9 trades, where long trades resulted in -$95.29 and where here short trades resulted in $393.77. There were 5 losing and 10 profitable instruments.

Risultati per strumenti
Trade long Trade short
N. di Trade Risultato N. di Trade Risultato N. di Trade Risultato
AUDUSD 7 $1,608.14 6 $1,852.14 1 -$244.00
N. di Trade Risultato
AUDUSD 7 $1,608.14
Trade long 6 $1,852.14
Trade short 1 -$244.00
BTCUSD 2 $1,066.83 2 $1,066.83 0 $0.00
N. di Trade Risultato
BTCUSD 2 $1,066.83
Trade long 2 $1,066.83
Trade short 0 $0.00
EURAUD 2 $274.12 2 $274.12 0 $0.00
N. di Trade Risultato
EURAUD 2 $274.12
Trade long 2 $274.12
Trade short 0 $0.00
EURJPY 2 $499.42 0 $0.00 2 $499.42
N. di Trade Risultato
EURJPY 2 $499.42
Trade long 0 $0.00
Trade short 2 $499.42
EURNZD 1 -$84.14 0 $0.00 1 -$84.14
N. di Trade Risultato
EURNZD 1 -$84.14
Trade long 0 $0.00
Trade short 1 -$84.14
EURUSD 8 $4,511.86 3 -$647.59 5 $5,159.45
N. di Trade Risultato
EURUSD 8 $4,511.86
Trade long 3 -$647.59
Trade short 5 $5,159.45
GBPAUD 1 -$1,027.16 0 $0.00 1 -$1,027.16
N. di Trade Risultato
GBPAUD 1 -$1,027.16
Trade long 0 $0.00
Trade short 1 -$1,027.16
GBPNZD 2 $1,796.94 1 $1,275.90 1 $521.04
N. di Trade Risultato
GBPNZD 2 $1,796.94
Trade long 1 $1,275.90
Trade short 1 $521.04
GBPUSD 1 -$231.00 1 -$231.00 0 $0.00
N. di Trade Risultato
GBPUSD 1 -$231.00
Trade long 1 -$231.00
Trade short 0 $0.00
NZDUSD 5 $1,920.26 0 $0.00 5 $1,920.26
N. di Trade Risultato
NZDUSD 5 $1,920.26
Trade long 0 $0.00
Trade short 5 $1,920.26
USDCAD 1 -$1,006.25 0 $0.00 1 -$1,006.25
N. di Trade Risultato
USDCAD 1 -$1,006.25
Trade long 0 $0.00
Trade short 1 -$1,006.25
USDCHF 1 $995.77 1 $995.77 0 $0.00
N. di Trade Risultato
USDCHF 1 $995.77
Trade long 1 $995.77
Trade short 0 $0.00
USDJPY 2 $1,099.42 2 $1,099.42 0 $0.00
N. di Trade Risultato
USDJPY 2 $1,099.42
Trade long 2 $1,099.42
Trade short 0 $0.00 9 $298.48 2 -$95.29 7 $393.77
N. di Trade Risultato 9 $298.48
Trade long 2 -$95.29
Trade short 7 $393.77
XAUUSD 9 -$1,252.66 3 -$1,390.98 6 $138.32
N. di Trade Risultato
XAUUSD 9 -$1,252.66
Trade long 3 -$1,390.98
Trade short 6 $138.32
Risultati per strumenti
Analisi dei giorni di trading

During the evaluation period, the account balance changed in 14 sessions. The average profitable day was $1,224.51, the average losing day was -$749.89. The ratio between a profitable day and a losing day is 1.63, which signals a positive ratio and a disciplined attitude towards money management.

Analisi dei giorni di trading
Giorni 14
No. medio di Trade 3.79
Giorni positivi 11
Media Positiva $1,224.51
Giorni negativi 4
Media negativa -$749.89
Media giornaliera
Risultati per dimensione della posizione

In the evaluation period, you traded 48 different position volumes. Most often, your positions were sized as 0.04 lot with a result of $54.56. The biggest volume you traded was 41.66 lots, and on this highest sized trade you experienced a loss of -$1,044.79.

Risultati per dimensione della posizione
Grandezza delle Posizioni Num. di trade Risultato
0.01 1 $0.01
0.04 2 $54.56
0.06 1 $36.12
0.13 1 $1,012.23
0.21 1 $85.49
0.30 1 -$107.07
0.48 1 $89.81
0.90 1 $331.20
1.00 1 $77.39
1.56 1 -$10.92
2.04 1 -$68.47
2.06 1 -$510.88
2.07 1 -$316.71
2.37 1 -$1,037.82
2.57 1 -$906.94
2.85 2 $576.00
3.00 1 -$231.00
3.05 1 -$244.00
3.10 2 $205.26
3.22 1 $1,168.86
3.25 1 $0.00
3.28 1 $449.66
3.33 1 -$169.83
3.80 1 $2,553.60
4.13 1 $1,069.67
4.20 1 $166.16
4.97 1 -$1,027.16
5.00 2 $1,280.00
5.20 1 $220.40
5.21 1 $279.02
5.88 1 $393.96
6.61 1 $521.04
7.29 1 $1,022.03
7.32 1 $1,275.90
7.53 1 -$1,006.25
7.68 1 -$84.14
7.96 1 -$127.36
8.62 1 -$284.46
8.65 1 $107.96
10.00 2 $2,005.77
11.00 1 $1,254.00
14.70 1 $947.02
14.71 1 $1,013.86
18.00 1 -$605.94
20.00 1 -$95.30
29.41 1 $109.45
32.00 1 $42.64
41.66 1 -$1,044.79
Risultati per dimensione della posizione
Risultati per durata del commercio

Here you can find the results of your trades based on their duration. For illustrative purposes, we have rounded them up and split them into groups. According to a time period, your results indicate that 12 trades in the interval of 00:30 – 01:00 resulted in $958.27. It is important to take a lesson from this table and to focus only on those particular trades that turned out successful for you.

Risultati per durata del commercio
Durata Num. di trade Risultato
00:00 – 00:02 2 -$10.96
00:02 – 00:05 1 -$442.97
00:05 – 00:15 5 -$155.14
00:15 – 00:30 5 $780.15
00:30 – 01:00 12 $958.27
01:00 – 02:00 6 -$1,149.58
02:00 – 06:00 9 $1,136.80
06:00 – 12:00 8 $5,209.08
12:00+ 5 $4,144.38
Risultati per durata del commercio
Risultati per orario di apertura

In this section, you will learn what were your results in different trading hours. The time zone is Central European (Summer) Time. In the evaluation period, you were entering into positions in 15 different hours throughout a day. The best result of $3,496.28 has been reached when you traded between 16:00 - 16:59. In total, during this hour you made 10 trades. On the other hand, the worst result was experienced during 20:00 - 20:59. You were the most active during the hour of your best result.

Risultati per orario di apertura
Ora Num. di trade Risultato
02:00 - 02:59 1 $521.04
03:00 - 03:59 3 $725.54
04:00 - 04:59 3 $2,238.85
08:00 - 08:59 1 $1,022.03
09:00 - 09:59 2 $1,447.88
11:00 - 11:59 1 $107.96
12:00 - 12:59 3 -$928.52
13:00 - 13:59 4 -$699.27
14:00 - 14:59 4 -$119.37
15:00 - 15:59 8 $1,344.99
16:00 - 16:59 10 $3,496.28
17:00 - 17:59 3 -$785.38
18:00 - 18:59 3 $2,140.88
19:00 - 19:59 6 $1,001.91
20:00 - 20:59 1 -$1,044.79
Risultati per orario di apertura
Valutazione finale
Obiettivi di Trading Risultati Sintesi
10 giorni minimi di trading 14 Passato
Perdita Massima Giornaliera -$5,000 -$1,947.92 (-1.94%) Passato
Perdita Massima -$10,000 -$281.09 (-0.28%) Passato
Obiettivo di Profitto $10,000 $10,470.03 (10.47%) Passato